A Message from Clint Hollinger, President, Western Association of Broadcast Engineers (WABE)
This year, the Western Association of Broadcast Engineers is hosting its 69th annual convention in Calgary, Alberta. It is amazing that over these many years, the only constant has been change! Changes in technology, changes in workflows and changes in people. I have worked in several other industries and have never seen industry anchors like WABE, CCBE (Central Canada Broadcast Engineers) and Broadcast Dialogue that continue to pull the community together so that we can continue to move forward together.
I recently had the pleasure of being at the UCP (United Conservative Party) headquarters in Regina for election night. Nope…it was not a pleasure being in the building for over 15 hours. But what was great was the cooperation amongst all the broadcasters. Everything from borrowing connectors, sharing cable mats, to swapping riser locations, and sharing information. Again, in an industry where we all compete for the same viewers, it is great to see all of us working together. This is something that we’ve continued to do for over 69 years and will continue to do for many more years to come.
As for coming together, we would like to invite all of you to join us this year in Calgary at the Westin Calgary Airport Hotel from Nov. 3-5. You can either join us for the entire conference or if you are in Southern Alberta and want to stop by just for the day and see what it is all about, then please don’t hesitate. It is always free to come and explore the exhibit show floor. With over 50 booths, there is something for everyone to check out with our industry vendors. Hopefully you will want to stay for some papers as well.
Papers to be presented at this year’s conference range from ISED regulations, live streaming, and broadcaster tips and tricks to discussions about the future of broadcasting and WABE. We have lots to keep you informed while engaging in some interesting discussion with your industry colleagues. With all of this new information swimming around in your head, we can’t forget to use this time to have some fun and get some networking done. Catch up with your colleagues at the Attitude Adjustment reception on Sunday night. Then toast the accomplishments of some of the most amazing engineers at the Awards Dinner on Tuesday evening. And join us in some of the other fun things that we have planned for you to do around the hotel throughout the convention!

These conventions would not have been possible without the delegates attending, the exhibitors that take time and choose to exhibit with us year after year, and of course our generous sponsors who support us. It is a perfect marriage of everyone working together to make sure that this convention continues year after year. So, come out and attend WABE to be a part of something that has a history of over 69 years!
Through learning together, having fun, networking, and attending the WABE convention, I am confident that we will continue to keep moving forward together in the broadcast community!
Clint Hollinger, WABE President
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