Rina Steuerman, 70, on Aug. 17 in Toronto. For many years, Steuerman was the manager of satellite services at Broadcast News, before retiring in 2004. Steuerman was the principal person who looked after satellite distribution for many of the broadcasters and as consultant Jean-Marie Heimrath shares with Broadcast Dialogue: “She was able to pull rabbits out of her hat many times when everyone said it wasn’t possible.”
Larry Broadley, 67, at South Huron Hospital in Exeter, ON, after a brief illness. Broadley was a DJ, news and special events broadcaster in the 1970s with CJOE-AM and CJBK-AM London, before leaving the industry. Broadley went on to become regional manager for Sifton Properties, owned and operated the Grapevine Bar in Grand Bend, and was also Grand Bend Harbour Master, eventually delving into real estate.