HomeGeneral + Regulatory + Telecom + Media NewsQuebecor wins piracy ruling against Québec...

Quebecor wins piracy ruling against Québec City hotel cable provider

Quebecor has chalked up another win in its fight against piracy with a Federal Court decision sanctioning two Québec City companies.

Technologies Konek and Coopérative de câblodistribution Hill Valley have been found to have infringed on TVA Group’s copyright by illegally redistributing the TVA and TVA Sports channels.

According to Quebecor’s court filing, Konek was behind the design of the so-called “Konek box” which allowed hotel room TVs to perform a variety of functions, including retransmit television channels.

Quebecor says it became aware of Konek’s activities in early 2020 when some of its Videotron hotel clients terminated their contracts to do business with the Québec City-based company, which was redistributing TVA Group channels, to which it held no rights.

“Quebecor takes piracy very seriously and will continue identifying resellers and taking all necessary legal action to protect the rights of subsidiaries actively engaged in creating and redistributing content, for the benefit of its cultural workers,” the company stated in a release. “Piracy and content theft cannot be condoned if cultural industries are to thrive. Such illegal appropriation causes losses in the millions of dollars and jeopardizes the entire content creation chain.”

IT consultant, Libéo, which was involved in the early design of the Konek box and was also named as a defendant in the case, was found not liable for copyright infringement.

In recent years, Quebecor has joined other distributors to also take action in piracy cases against Truespeed Internet Services, TVAddons and Gold TV.

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Connie Thiessen
Connie Thiessenhttps://broadcastdialogue.com
Connie has worked coast-to-coast as a reporter, editor, anchor and host at CKNW and News 1130 in Vancouver, News 95.7 and CBC in Halifax, and CFCW Edmonton, among other stations. With a passion for music, film and community service, she led News 95.7 to a 2013 Atlantic Journalism Award and regional RTDNA award for Best Radio Newscast. More recently, she was nominated for Music Journalist of the Year at Canadian Music Week 2019. To report a typo or error please email - [email protected]

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