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Broadcast Tech News: Bannister Lake’s Chameleon data and graphics solution gets election enhancements

Chameleon, Bannister Lake‘s data aggregation and graphics management solution, has introduced new enhancements with a focus on election data. Chameleon Version 10 expands the ability to enter manual election results where data feeds may not be available.  The feature is particularly useful in less populated districts where a real-time results feed may not be practical. It also includes a failsafe in situations where a data feed may have stopped working. Chameleon Version 10 also provides improved sponsorship management of campaign and client data.

SMPTE, the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers, has announced that the Interoperable Master Format (IMF) plugfest, held Oct. 18-19 in Hollywood, marked another milestone in the development of the IMF family of international standards (SMPTE ST 2067), with more than 48 participants making progress toward interoperability. IMF is the family of standards for the exchange of component-based audio-visual masters intended for worldwide distribution — from movies to advertisements. The format is specifically designed to handle multiple-territory distribution and advanced content such as high-dynamic-range (HDR), wide color gamut (WCG), immersive sound (object-based audio), and access services (subtitles, captions). Organized by the 35PM SMPTE Technology Committee (TC), IMF plugfests provide implementers with opportunities to interchange test content with the objective of improving interoperability and identifying areas of improvement in the standard. The plugfest focused on:

Implementers included Colorfront, Dalet, Fraunhofer, GIC, Marquise, MTI, Ownzones, Rohde & Schwarz, and Visible Light. Test content was provided by Fox, Apple, and the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. The Academy also hosted the event, while Amazon Web Services provided cloud storage and Netflix provided onsite network storage. SMPTE is currently organizing the next IMF plugfest, scheduled for the first half of 2019. The society encourages interested parties to join the effort by contacting Thomas Bause Mason at SMPTE.

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