Latest NewsWGC members ratify new Independent Production Agreement

WGC members ratify new Independent Production Agreement

Writers Guild of Canada (WGC) members have ratified a new Independent Production Agreement (IPA).

Set to take effect today (May 22), the agreement governs English-language writers, story editors and story consultants through January 2027.

Under the newly-ratified agreement, live action script fees will increase by five per cent, four per cent, and 3.5 per cent over the next three years. Animation script fees will increase by five per cent, 11.5 per cent, and 3.6 per cent over the same period.

WGC members also won minimum staffing provisions on set that will require two Story Editors to be engaged during the bulk of principal photography on productions commencing on or after January 1, 2025, for one-hour productions with budgets over $2.5M per episode and half-hour productions with budgets over $1.5M per episode.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) protections, which had been a major area of writer concern during discussions, were also negotiated, requiring producers to disclose and contract under the IPA when providing writers with AI-generated materials, as well as no reduction in existing writer credit or compensation. Further protections against discrimination and harassment in the workplace were also negotiated.

“We are pleased to have negotiated meaningful protections and fee increases for our members,” said WGC Executive Director Victoria Shen, in a release. “These achievements would not have been possible without the solidarity demonstrated by our membership. Special thanks to the Negotiating Committee, who volunteered months of their time, passionately represented the interests of screenwriters, and stood their ground to reach this deal.”

“Bargaining this agreement was extremely challenging but it has resulted in a more united and engaged membership,” added Bruce Smith, President of the WGC. “Our work will continue on many fronts, including fighting for equal compensation and protections for animation writers, advocating for a better funding system to address the needs of feature film writers, and ensuring our industry can flourish.”

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Connie Thiessen
Connie Thiessen
Connie has worked coast-to-coast as a reporter, editor, anchor and host at CKNW and News 1130 in Vancouver, News 95.7 and CBC in Halifax, and CFCW Edmonton, among other stations. With a passion for music, film and community service, she led News 95.7 to a 2013 Atlantic Journalism Award and regional RTDNA award for Best Radio Newscast. More recently, she was nominated for Music Journalist of the Year at Canadian Music Week 2019. To report a typo or error please email -

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