Tag: Randy Lennox

Radio and Podcast News In Brief – List of Canadian networks...

Bell, Rogers, Stingray, and CBC are among the Canadian networks opting not to add “Baby, It’s Cold Outside” to holiday playlists this year. The...

Revolving Door

REVOLVING DOOR: Following Randy Lennox’s promotion to president of Bell Media, the company has redistributed the responsibilities of several executives. Among those with new titles...

Revolving Door

 REVOLVING DOOR: Bell Media has named Randy Lennox as its president following the departure of Mary Ann Turcke who is leaving for an opportunity with...

Randy Lennox will be awarded the 2017 Walt Grealis Special Achievement...

 RADIO/AUDIO/PODCAST: Randy Lennox will be awarded the 2017 Walt Grealis Special Achievement Award by the Canadian Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences (CARAS). Currently president...

Revolving Door

Don’t wait to read today’s industry moves. Subscribe to The Weekly Briefing now and receive the latest Revolving Door updates every Thursday. It’s free,...