Tag: PPM
Radiodays NA panel tackles question of whether PPM has made radio...
Has PPM made radio worse? That question, posed by Edison Research President Larry Rosin, was followed by a long pause at Radiodays North America...
Radio & Podcast News – Numeris Spring PPM and Diary Ratings
Numeris' Spring PPM ratings reflect the 13-week period from Feb. 27 to May 28. In Toronto, CBC Radio One is #1, A12+, delivering a...
Spring 2023 PPM ratings for Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver, Calgary & Edmonton
David Bray is President of Bray & Partners Communications.
Feel free to forward questions and inquiries:
Phone: (416)431-5792
E-mail: [email protected]
Web sites: brayandpartners.com, davidbray.ca
When it comes to...
AM/FM reaching 85 per cent of key demo weekly, says Numeris
AM/FM radio is reaching 85% of Canadians, 25-54, each week, according to Numeris' latest insights release for Winter 2023.
Reflecting the 13-week period from Nov....
Radio & Podcast News – Winter PPM ratings result in big...
David Bray has a breakdown of the new PPM release from Numeris, completing the 13-week period covering Nov. 28 to Feb. 26, noting that...
Numeris fall 2022 PPM insights reveal slight bump in out-of-home tuning
Numeris has released additional insights from the fall 2022 PPM ratings, revealing that out-of-home radio tuning got a boost with the return of more...
Radio & Podcast News – CRTC commercial radio review relaxes Common...
The CRTC has released the results of its commercial radio review, allowing broadcasters to operate one more FM station in the same market, under...
Fall 2022 PPM ratings for Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver, Edmonton & Calgary
David Bray is President of Bray & Partners Communications.
Feel free to forward questions and inquiries:
Phone: (416)431-5792
E-mail: [email protected]
Websites: brayandpartners.com, davidbray.ca
In the midst of...
More Canadians listened to radio on-the-go this summer
More Canadians listened to radio on-the-go over the summer months as people took advantage of what for many was the first season free of...
Numeris Radio Topline Reports to be replaced with ‘insights’
Numeris has confirmed that last week's set of Radio Topline Reports will be the final data set publicly released on its website, saying that...