Tag: Online

All things Online from Broadcast Dialogue, Canada’s broadcast industry publication of record.

GroupM predicts that digital advertising will capture 77 cents of every...

GroupM predicts that digital advertising will capture 77 cents of every new ad dollar in 2017, while TV will capture 17 cents. Digital investment...

Twitter is ramping up its video content, announcing 14 new, renewed...

Twitter is ramping up its video content, announcing 14 new, renewed or expanded deals for live sports, concerts, news and entertainment content with Major...

BNN.ca is the first news site to offer free, real-time Canadian...

ONLINE/DIGITAL:   BNN.ca is the first news site to offer free, real-time Canadian stock quotes from the Toronto Stock Exchange. The move is a blow...

Canadians are spending more time on the web than ever before,...

ONLINE CHANNELS: Canadians are spending more time on the web than ever before, according to a new report from Media Technology Monitor. On average, anglophone...

CBC Ombudsman Esther Enkin has found a complaint from J.D. Irving...

ONLINE CHANNELS: CBC Ombudsman Esther Enkin has found a complaint from J.D. Irving Limited’s legal counsel about the Twitter activity of CBC New Brunswick provincial...

RBC is the first Canadian bank to launch Interac e-transfer using...

ONLINE CHANNELS: RBC is the first Canadian bank to launch Interac e-transfer using Siri. The money transfer solution is now available through an update to...

A joint report from the Radio Advertising Bureau and Borrell &...

 ONLINE CHANNELS: A joint report from the Radio Advertising Bureau and Borrell & Associates projects digital revenue for radio will increase 22 per cent this...

Kickstarter has acquired Vancouver-based video streaming startup Huzza and will be...

ONLINE CHANNELS: Kickstarter has acquired Vancouver-based video streaming startup Huzza and will be opening a Vancouver office. The purchase follows their collaboration that led to...

A recent report from Nielsen says Millennials, those aged 18 to...

ONLINE CHANNELS: A recent report from Nielsen says Millennials, those aged 18 to 34, are not the most social media-addicted generation. Nielsen says Generation X,...

Lionsgate has also announced it’s investing in eSports franchise Immortals

ONLINE CHANNELS: Lionsgate has also announced it’s investing in eSports franchise Immortals, reflecting a continued focus on the potential of the eSports market. The Immortals...