Tag: Faith Goldy

CRTC, Telecom and Conference News In Brief – BCAB changing format,...

The British Columbia Association of Broadcasters (BCAB) has announced that it’s moving its annual conference from mid-May to October and trying on a new...

#CRTC and #Telecom News In Brief

CRTC-commissioned public opinion research finds that 40 per cent of Canadians surveyed by IPSOS reported having experienced sales practices by telecommunications companies in Canada...

Ontario judge declines to hear Faith Goldy v. Bell Media

An Ontario Superior Court judge has declined to hear Toronto mayoral candidate Faith Goldy's complaint against Bell Media for refusing to run her election...

Rogers Media second broadcaster to ban Faith Goldy election ads

Rogers Media is the second broadcast outlet to reject election ads from Toronto mayoral candidate Faith Goldy. The former Rebel Media contributor posted a screenshot...

#CRTC and Canadian #Media News In Brief

Faith Goldy, who is running for Mayor of Toronto, has hired constitutional law and civil rights lawyer Clayton Ruby to represent her in a...

Faith Goldy sues Bell Media over refusal to run election ads

Toronto mayoral candidate and former Rebel Media contributor Faith Goldy has hired constitutional law and civil rights lawyer Clayton Ruby to represent her in...