Tag: Consultation

Latest CRTC consultation to look at market dynamics

The CRTC has launched its latest consultation looking at market dynamics within the Canadian broadcasting system. The commission says the consultation will explore the dynamics...

Lightening radio’s regulatory burden to form one of two new CRTC...

The CRTC is continuing to move forward with implementation of the Online Streaming Act, launching two public consultations - one of which will look...

CRTC opens consultation on local radio news fund

The CRTC has opened a public consultation on a temporary fund to support local radio news. The commission announced in June that new funding collected...

Regulatory, Telecom & Media News – CRTC launches consultation on engaging...

The CRTC has launched a consultation on how it can better consult and engage with official language minority communities (OLMCs), French-language speakers and other...

CRTC initiates commercial radio policy review

The CRTC has initiated its review of the policy framework governing commercial radio. The first commercial radio policy update since 2014, it will encompass issues...

CRTC extends public consultation on CBC/Radio-Canada licence renewal

The CRTC is extending the public consultation period on CBC/Radio-Canada's licence renewal by one week. The commission says the extension follows the submission of a...

CRTC opens public Facebook consultation on CBC/Radio-Canada

The CRTC is asking Canadians for their opinions on CBC/Radio-Canada programming as part of the public broadcaster's licence renewal process. "CBC/Radio-Canada plays an important role...

Competition Bureau seeking consumer input for Broadband Market Study

Canada's Competition Bureau has launched public consultations to better understand what influences consumer choice when buying internet services. The bureau is asking Canadians to fill...

CRTC launches online survey on telco sales practices

The CRTC has launched an online survey asking Canadians about the sales practices of large telecommunications service providers, like Bell, Rogers and Telus. Canadians have...