Jason Botchford, 48, on Apr. 28, of apparent heart failure. Botchford grew up in Aurora, ON. After graduating from Western University, he entered the advanced journalism program at Centennial College in Toronto, and began his journalism career at the Toronto Sun. He joined The Vancouver Province in 2005 and quickly moved from news into sports, covering the NHL and Vancouver Canucks. His post-game Provies Report, which debuted during the 2013-14 season, became one of the paper’s most popular posts. After 13 years, Botchford left The Province in the fall of 2018 to join The Athletic Vancouver. He was also a longtime contributor to TSN 1040 (CKST-AM) and TSN’s That’s Hockey. Read more here.

Don Taylor, 75, on Apr. 24. Taylor started his career in radio in Portage La Prairie, MB in 1966. He went on to work in North Battleford, SK, before landing at Golden West Broadcasting’s flagship station CFAM Altona, MB where he worked until 1997 as the longtime overnight operator, among other roles. Taylor retired to his hometown of Minnedosa, MB in 2009.

Doug Linn, 79, on Apr. 20 in Chilliwack. Linn was on-air at JR Country (CJJR-FM) Vancouver as part of the morning show from 1985-87. He then signed on as one of the original voices on Star FM (CKSR-FM) Chilliwack, retiring in 1996. In addition to his love for radio, Linn was an artist and cartoonist, using his talents to create logos and cards, among other work.
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