Tom Mark, the former Vancouver anchor and news director who retired to Vernon a couple of years back, has accepted the position of Morning News Anchor at Kiss FM 107.5 Vernon. Up until now, he’d been working at the station on a fill-in basis. He was ND at CJOR Vancouver in the ‘80s and ‘90s, ND at News 1130 Vancouver, and morning news anchor at CKNW Vancouver from 2001 to 2014.

Cub Carson, whose stops have included The Bear Ottawa, Live 105 Halifax, BOB FM Ottawa, Country 101 Ottawa and Rebel 101.7 Ottawa, is the new morning host at 103.7 BOB FM Brockville. He’ll also voice-track evenings on The Drive Kingston.

Shannon Tyler is taking over middays at up! 99.3 (CIUP) Edmonton. The radio vet and former Global Mornings Edmonton host has been an advertising consultant with the station since 2014. As previously reported here, Charlee Morgan is semi-retiring.

Country 93.3 (CJOK) Fort McMurray morning show host Pete Potipcoe has taken over mornings at Rogers-owned sister station 97.9 ROCK (CKYX). Bradley Karp takes over the Country 93.3 morning slot. Karp was previously morning news anchor and co-host of the show in 2015/16.
At News 1130 Vancouver, Peter Wagner will become the Wednesday through Sunday evening anchor beginning April 10. He moves from KGMI Bellingham where he’s afternoon producer/anchor.

CBC Montreal Daybreak’s new political analyst is veteran CBC radio host and political observer Bernard St-Laurent, who retired in June 2015. Up until his retirement, he was a weekly commentator on the show.

Nana aba Duncan is the new weekend morning host of CBC Radio One’s Fresh Air. Duncan had been with CBC’s Radio 2 Top 20. Fresh Air had a series of guest hosts since last July when long-time host Mary Ito stepped down.
Sean Lawson has signed on at London, Ont.-based commercial music, video and digital signage service 787 Networks as music acquisition and playlist creator. Lawson was previously promotions manager at the Evanov Radio Group Halifax before relocating to Ontario in December.

Alexander Quon is joining Global Halifax as a web producer after a short stint with CBC Nova Scotia’s investigative unit. Quon is also a Masters of Journalism student at the University of King’s College in Halifax.