Kevin Frankish to step in for Greg Brady on Toronto’s AM 640

Kevin Frankish

Kevin Frankish will take over the morning time slot on AM 640 (CFIQ-AM) Toronto, starting Wednesday, as host Greg Brady pursues the federal Conservative nomination in his hometown of Ajax, ON.

Greg Brady

“I’ve made a big decision to seek the House of Commons seat in the riding of Ajax as a member of the Conservative Party of Canada,” Brady said, in a Corus Radio announcement. “As such, ethically, and practically, the right thing is to take a leave of absence from the 640 Toronto airwaves. My colleagues and the listeners mean the world to me, and I will still be on your team, your side, and rooting for great things, as hopefully you are for me.”

Brady was more emphatic during his on-air announcement Tuesday, saying “I’d love to be back here if I don’t, but the goal is to go and win, and so, it’s worth saying goodbye.”

“This is a good news story,” Brady continued. “You often don’t get to say a great heartfelt goodbye and mean every frickin’ word of it and I do.”

Ajax has been represented by Liberal MP Mark Holland, who was elected from 2004-11, and again from 2015-present. The former Health Minister isn’t re-offering in the coming election.

Brady has hosted Toronto Today since 2019, with previous stints as a morning drive host at Sportsnet 590 The Fan (CJCL-AM) and WDFN Detroit.

Frankish, who is best known for his 27 years at Citytv’s Breakfast Television, has more recently been heard in afternoon drive on 105.9 The Region (CFMS-FM) Markham, in addition to doing communications work for Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences in Whitby, and hosting the hospital’s Mental Health Podcast.

“I’m thrilled to be joining the team at 640 Toronto – a powerful place for important conversations,” said Frankish. “Every morning, I am going to do my best in trying to help you make sense of what is becoming an increasingly senseless world. I will be asking the questions of newsmakers, and demanding the answers I know that you want, however, I will always try to send you off into your day in a positive way.”

National Director of Talk Radio, Mike Bendixen, said Frankish’s addition to the 640 lineup is “part of Corus Radio’s continued commitment to bringing listeners the best original, Canadian content, delivered by exceptional talent.”