Citytv, OMNI now broadcasting from Rogers’ Bloor St. campus

Rogers Communications downtown campus located at 333 Bloor Street East and One Mount Pleasant Road. (

As of today, Citytv and OMNI TV are broadcasting from the Rogers Communications campus on Bloor Street, alongside Sportsnet and Rogers Sports & Media’s Toronto radio properties.

Citytv, including Breakfast Television, and OMNI bid farewell to their former studios at Yonge and Dundas Square last week. The stations had called that location, in the heart of downtown Toronto, home since the fall of 2009 when Citytv moved out of 299 Queen St. West following Rogers acquisition of the Citytv network as part of the sale of CHUM Limited to CTVGlobemedia.

Staff started teasing the move on social media last week, expressing mixed emotions about leaving the iconic gathering point, which is bordered by three of the largest digital displays in the country.

A Rogers Sports & Media spokesperson said the stations’ new space is an opportunity to elevate their productions using new studios and improved technology, while offering employees a more modernized work environment.

Breakfast Television unveiled its new set this morning, as the Citytv morning show announced new co-hosting duo Dina Pugliese and Tim Bolen.