General + Regulatory + Telecom + Media News

General + Regulatory + Telecom + Media News

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Bell has called on the federal government to support mandated piracy website blacklisting

Bell has called on the federal government to support mandated piracy website blacklisting, criminalize copyright violations and overhaul the retransmission system for broadcasters that...

VMS Media Group Ltd. has had its appeal of the CRTC decision to issue broadcast licences to First Peoples Radio Inc. and Aboriginal Multi-Media...

VMS Media Group Ltd. has had its appeal of the CRTC decision to issue broadcast licences to First Peoples Radio Inc. and Aboriginal Multi-Media...

Canadian Business has released its annual list of the fastest growing media companies

Canadian Business has released its annual list of the fastest growing media companies. Victoria-based sports video and ad distribution platform SendtoNews takes top spot...

Ian Scott has begun his term as CRTC chair and introduced himself to the public last week

Ian Scott has begun his term as CRTC chair and introduced himself to the public last week via a statement posted to the commission...

The Canadian Press celebrated 100 years on Sept. 1

The Canadian Press celebrated 100 years on Sept. 1. Established in 1917 by an Act of Parliament during the First World War to bring home stories from...

The CRTC has opened the door for greater competition in the broadband internet market

The CRTC has opened the door for greater competition in the broadband internet market by setting interim wholesale rates for broadband internet access in...

Quebecor has formed a strategic partnership with the non-profit organization that owns Montreal’s Imperial Theatre

Quebecor has formed a strategic partnership with the non-profit organization that owns Montreal’s Imperial Theatre to ensure the historic building is preserved and developed...

CBC News managers have been put on notice to avoid using unverified video from sites like YouTube

CBC News managers have been put on notice to avoid using unverified video from sites like YouTube by CBC Ombudsman Esther Enkin. Enkin investigated...

Canadian Heritage has referred the CRTC’s May decision on PNI and French-language content back for reconsideration

Canadian Heritage, on the advice of Minister Melanie Joly and with the support of Cabinet, has referred the CRTC’s May decision on PNI (programs...

BCE Inc. has released its Q2 2017 results reporting net earnings of $811 million

BCE Inc. has released its Q2 2017 results reporting net earnings of $811 million, with net earnings attributable to common shareholders of $762 million,...

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