Among the appointments to the Order of Canada on June 30, were several arts, entertainment and broadcast media veterans. Actors Mike Myers and Catherine O’Hara and filmmaker Jean-Marc Vallee were named Officers of the Order of Canada, while former TVO chairman Peter A. Herrndorf was promoted to Companion. Also named members were actors Rod Beattie, Rick Green, writer and actress Susan Coyne, producer and musician Daniel Lanois, CAB Hall of Famer and French-language radio pioneer François Labbé, musicologist and broadcaster Sylvia L’Écuyer, radio and television host Pierre Maisonneuve, producer, engineer and performer Paul Mills, and recording industry veteran André Perry.
Freedom Mobile has gained ground in the wireless market, with Shaw Communications’ Q3 financial results revealing that Freedom now has 1,106,159 subscribers – an increase of 20,085 for the quarter ending May 31. Shaw reported Q3 revenue of $1.31 billion, with wireless revenue accounting for $154 million, up $22 million or 16.7 per cent year over year.