HomeBroadcast Tech + Engineering NewsWABE holds 69th annual conference

WABE holds 69th annual conference

The Western Association of Broadcast Engineers (WABE) held their 69th annual conference in Calgary this week. This year’s Excellence in Engineering award winners were Vernon Mooers of Golden West Broadcasting and Darren Kronlund of Bell Media. Brian Gauld received the Retirement Award. Al Pippin, the now retired founder of Pippin Technical, and Dan Gold of Corus Entertainment received R.W. Lamb Awards. Mark Critchton of Golden West was awarded the WABE Spirit Award.

Rogers Communications, with the University of British Columbia (UBC), has turned on the country’s first 5G-powered smart campus as part of their strategic partnership to advance 5G research in Canada. The smart campus, which includes 5G towers throughout UBC’s Point Grey campus and an edge computing enabled data centre, is being used by university researchers to test 5G applications in a real-world setting. New research projects underway using the network include: Earthquake and tsunami detection technology that leverages the low latency of 5G sensors and machine learning to provide an early warning of an earthquake so people can take preventative steps to stay safe; Digital mining technology that makes the operations of mines safer and improves sustainability through autonomous trucks and predictive truck maintenance; and 5G Mobility as a Service (MaaS), a next generation mobile platform that brings together transit, bike rental, car sharing, car rental and other modes of transportation so consumers can get the best on-demand transportation options.

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