The Weather Network touts benefits of better measurement

The Weather Network says it has seen a 94% average increase in measured audience in the last 12 months amongst those aged 25-54, following its adoption of Numeris’ Enhanced TV Audience Measurement (TAM) solution.

Announced this spring, Numeris’ Hybrid Linear TV measurement solution incorporates Return Path Data (Big Data) from Set-Top-Boxes (STBs) to TAM data (Panel data). With a full year of data now available, Numeris says the solution offers more granular and stable measurement, expanding the effective sample size, 2+, by over 25,000.

The Weather Network says the enhanced methodology has substantiated significantly greater reach of its content, and is allowing it to better understand audience behaviours.

“The enhanced audience insights provided by this advanced measurement system will help us further improve our world-renowned weather programming,” said Maureen Rogers, Managing Director, Editorial & Public Alerting for The Weather Network and MétéoMédia, in a release. “Not only will this provide benefits for the viewers who have made us Canada’s most trusted source for weather information, but it will create meaningful and richer advantages for our advertising partners.”

Numeris says the improved approach addresses the fragmented TV landscape while reinforcing audience behaviours already reported under TAM. The Weather Network says more accurate data will allow it to tailor its programming to better align with the evolving preferences of viewers and provide advertising partners valuable insights to deliver more impactful content.

“Higher audience numbers, deeper viewer insights, and better tracking are key to delivering maximum value to our advertising partners,” said Simon Jennings, Chief Revenue Officer at Pelmorex Corp., owner/operator of The Weather Network and MétéoMédia. “It is an ideal outcome, as the introduction of the Enhanced TAM solution ensures that our business partners will receive enriched audiences and our viewers will be provided the content best aligned to what they are looking for.”

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