Betty Kennedy, 91, famed for her work on CBC-TV's long-running quiz show, Front Page Challenge, and her 27 years at CFRB Toronto. Kennedy’s work...
Tom Young, 75, on March 6 following complications after knee surgery. Young’s 50-year career in broadcasting began in 1961 while stationed in West Germany...
Paul Nicholls, Feb. 23, suddenly while on vacation. Nicholls was well-known in the community of Georgina, ON as a former town councillor and Rogers...
Jack Pollard, 88, Feb. 18, at Kamloops Seniors Village. Pollard began his broadcasting career at CKCK-AM radio in his hometown of Regina, moving on to...
Stuart McLean, 68, Feb. 15, after battling melanoma. The humorist, best-selling author, journalist and long-running host of The Vinyl Cafe was born in Montreal...
Keith Maskell, Jan. 18, after an unexpected illness. Hailing from Saskatchewan, Keith was a university lecturer in French language and literature before joining CBC...