Tag: CBC

All things CBC from Broadcast Dialogue, Canada’s broadcast industry publication of record.

Regulatory, Telecom & Media News – Shaw temporarily lays off 10%...

Shaw Communications has temporarily laid off approximately 10% of its workforce, mostly those in retail and sales roles, effective Apr. 16. President and CEO...

CBC launches $2M Creative Relief Fund

CBC has launched a Creative Relief Fund that will make $2 million in development and production funding available to Canadian storytellers. The fund is aimed...

2020 Hot Docs selections to premiere on CBC, starting Apr. 16

With the 2020 Hot Docs Festival postponed, CBC has announced that a selection of first-run feature documentaries that would have debuted at the world's...

CBC brings virtual interview series trend to primetime

CBC is launching a new Sunday evening, virtual primetime interview show from host Tom Power's home. What're You At? with Tom Power will broadcast Sundays...

Radio & Podcast News – CBC Radio revises schedule to expand...

CBC Radio has revised its programming and schedule effective this week that includes an expanded edition of The Current with Matt Galloway until noon...

As CBC restores some local TV news, FRIENDS’ Daniel Bernhard worries...

As CBC plans to restore some local TV news starting Wednesday, FRIENDS' of Canadian Broadcasting executive director Daniel Bernhard is increasingly worried about the...

FRIENDS petition to restore local CBC TV newscasts gaining traction

A petition by independent CBC watchdog, FRIENDS of Canadian Broadcasting, calling on the public broadcaster to restore local TV newscasts is gaining traction. CBC announced...


Vern McNair, 91, on Mar. 11. Raised on a farm near Shoal Lake, MB, McNair was a pioneer in Canadian farm broadcasting. Starting his career...

CBC News Network coverage to temporarily replace local CBC TV newscasts

CBC News Network coverage will replace local CBC supper hour and evening TV newscasts across the country starting today, with the exception of CBC...

‘Movie Night in Canada’ to replace HNIC on CBC

With the cancellation of the NHL season, CBC is introducing 'Movie Night in Canada' which will replace Hockey Night in Canada (HNIC) on its...