Aaron Ames has been appointed to the position of chief operating officer (COO) of DHX Media, while Josh Scherba has been promoted to president, and Anne Loi promoted to the newly-created role of chief commercial officer (CCO). DHX Media co-founder Steven DeNure will be transitioning out of his role as president and COO within the next month.

Ross Kentner, president and GM with Bayshore Broadcasting Owen Sound, will retire next Friday after 57 years with the company. Kentner began his career as an operator at CFOS-AM, moving into the newsroom and eventually becoming news director before his appointment as GM in 1985. Kentner is a past chair of the Ontario Association of Broadcasters, and has received the Queen’s Golden Jubilee Medal for community service, in addition to the Central Region RTDNA Lifetime Achievement Award.

Monique Lacombe has left CBC Montreal after 17 years. For the last decade, she’s been the traffic and transit reporter for CBC Daybreak. Watch her goodbye message here.

Grant Biebrick is leaving CKRM-AM Regina to be closer to family in Saskatoon. He’ll be transitioning out of his PD role there over the next few months. Biebrick has been with Harvard Broadcasting since 2011.

Graham Hart is retiring from CHEX-TV Peterborough after 45 years. Born in Dartmouth, NS, Hart worked at radio stations in Bridgewater, Halifax, Chatham, Hamilton and Niagara Falls before landing at CHEX in 1973. Hart has been a news anchor, producer and held various management roles over the years.

Pete Potipcoe has joined the All New Terry Evans Show on K-97 (CIRK-FM) Edmonton. Potipcoe just wrapped up four years with 97.9 Rock (CKYX-FM) Fort McMurray.

Adam Cooper is joining News 1130 (CKWX-AM) Vancouver as an overnight anchor, starting in May. Hailing from New Zealand, Cooper has previous experience with the NZME music and talk stations, based in Auckland.

Steve Darling is joining Proactive Investors as part of the online financial news site’s expansion in Vancouver. Darling, best known for his 15-year stint co-anchoring the Global BC Morning News, recently left Sportsnet 650 (CISL-AM). Also joining Proactive is Katie Lewis as senior reporter, who was last with Discourse Media.

Rob Chiaramida has been appointed director, Local Sales Ontario for Corus Entertainment. The new role is the combination of two roles: director, Local Sales Toronto and Eastern Canada and regional manager, Local Sales Ontario Central. With Corus for over 13 years, Chiaramida will oversee the 10 local sales teams across Ontario and the Maritimes. A new role of Retail Sales Manager, Toronto will also be created. Matt Dawson, who had held the role of director of local TV, radio & digital sales for Toronto and Eastern Canada since 2016, and with the company since 2000, will work his last day at Corus May 31.

Brett Mineer is returning to CHNL-AM Kamloops, where he first started his reporting career in 2005. Mineer has been working in various communications roles since 2012 after stints at CKNW-AM Vancouver and CTV.

Cora MacDonald has joined Global News Montreal as a photojournalist. MacDonald has previously worked as a producer and news anchor for CJAD 800 Montreal and Videotron’s MAtv.

George Lagogianes has been named co-host of CP24 Breakfast. Also host of CP24 Live at Noon, Lagogianes has been with the channel since 2007 after stints with CityTV, MuchMusic and Bravo.

Dylan Langille is the new afternoon drive announcer at CKBW-AM Bridgewater. Langille has been with Newcap Radio since 2013, as a weekend/swing announcer at K-Rock (CIJK-FM) Kentville, NS and promotions assistant at Q104 (CFRQ-FM) Halifax.