CRTC turns down CAB request to start over on radio and audio consultation


The CRTC has turned down a request from the Canadian Association of Broadcasters (CAB) appealing to the commission to rescind its notice of consultation on new rules for radio and audio and start over.

Sent to the commission earlier this month, the CAB letter was signed by 25 of its radio group members, including Rogers Sports & Media, Stingray, Bell Media, Vista Radio, Pattison Media, Corus Entertainment, Harvard Media, Durham Radio, Golden West Broadcasting, RNC Media and Cogeco. It maintained that the CRTC’s preliminary views outlined in its notice of consultation failed to account for fundamental shifts in consumer and advertising behaviour.

The commission’s response, from Scott Shortliffe, Vice-President, Broadcasting, says commercial radio broadcasters will have the opportunity to make proposals on issues of concern outlined in the letter, including content requirements around Canadian and French-language musical selections, reducing the administrative and financial burden on commercial radio stations, and how the commission can ensure traditional audio providers and online audio services both contribute equitably to the development and promotion of Canadian content.

“All the submissions will be given due consideration by the Commission as part of this proceeding,” stated Shortliffe. “The preliminary views expressed…are intended to stimulate discussion and no decisions have been made.”

The CAB said it’s disappointed the CRTC didn’t see fit to revisit its notice of consultation.

“As the Commission is a quasi-judicial tribunal, we are concerned that the interim views place a much higher burden on Canadian-owned radio to dissuade them from those positions,” said CAB President Kevin Desjardins, in a statement provided to Broadcast Dialogue. These clearly stated and defined views envision higher obligations for our members, while remaining mostly vague on those to be applied to foreign streamers. Despite this, we will engage strenuously in this process alongside our members to reinforce the vital importance of local radio to Canadians.”

The submission window for interventions is open until April 7.