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Broadcast Tech & Engineering News

SAIT Broadcast Systems Technology students submit a Capstone Project or White Paper in their final semester. Instructor Lubos Kuzma has shared “Video Over IP: Security Considerations and Concerns,” a White Paper submitted by Frances Kootnekoff, Craig Young, and Danny Lee. Their research project tackles the potential for security issues within broadcast facilities looking at real life breaches including France’s TV5Monde, San Francisco’s KQED, and The Weather Channel, among others. Read more here.

SMPTE (Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers) has introduced a series of revisions to the SMPTE Interoperable Master Format (IMF) standards documents (SMPTE ST 2067) to bring additional features to the IMF system, address conflicts, and improve consistency for end users. The revisions address results from IMF Plugfests, as well as feedback from implementers and users working with IMF standards to enable real-world content versioning, packaging, and delivery. Bruce Devlin, SMPTE’s VP of Standards, says the revisions “reflect increasing adoption of the standard and learned wisdom through operational practice across the theatrical and broadcast communities.” The new revisions apply to SMPTE ST 2067-2 IMF Core Constraints, SMPTE ST 2067-3 IMF Composition Playlist, SMPTE ST 2067-5 IMF Essence Component, and SMPTE 2067-21 IMF Application #2E. Find the full list of standards documents here

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