Sign Offs

David Nevett

David Nevett, on April 2. Nevett was serving with the Royal Air Force (RAF) Services Personnel when he joined the Aden Forces Broadcasting Association (AFBA) in Aden (now south Yemen) in 1965 as a news announcer and writer. Within two years, he had joined BRMB in Birmingham, England as an announcer and sales manager, the first commercial radio station outside of London. He eventually landed at CFRN-AM Edmonton in sales and participated in remote broadcasts, including the station’s Search for Talent broadcasts, which saw a crew tape shows across central and northern Alberta every weekend. After a brief detour to work with Oxford Developments, he returned to radio and CKXM-FM Edmonton as manager in the 1980s. Following his broadcasting career, Nevett established security business, Lionsafe Security Pro.

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