SMPTE has announced the results of its 2022 Society Elections and introduced the board officers and regional governors who will begin serving terms in January 2023. Renard T. Jenkins of Warner Bros. Discovery has been elected SMPTE president, Richard Welsh of Deluxe Media Inc. as SMPTE executive vice president, Michael Zink of Warner Bros. Discovery as SMPTE education vice president, and Lisa Hobbs of MediaKind as SMPTE secretary/treasurer, all for two-year terms. They join 2022-23 officers Hans Hoffmann (past president), Sally Hattori (standards vice president), Paul Stechly (finance vice president), and Rose Lockwood (membership vice president). New SMPTE Regional Governors for the two-year 2023-24 term include Canada Region representative François Bourdua, Consultant, VS-Tek, Strategies & Technologies. Read more here.