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by Thomas Giger of www.radioiloveit.com Callout research not only tells you how your target audience feels about your main individual songs, but also about (the...

Remembering Gary Miles

By Chuck McCoy I met Gary Miles for the very first time on the day we began our employment with Rogers Broadcasting.  The year was...

How is the Growth of Music Streaming Services in Canada Affecting Radio Listening?

The quick answer? It isn’t. Yes, online-only music streaming services have shown dramatic growth over the last couple of years in Canada. But the latest...

Podcasting in Burli Newsroom

Podcasting in Burli Newsroom To say podcast use in North America is on the rise would be something of an understatement.  In 2016, America’s podcast...

Super Song Segues: Creating & Maintaining ‘Forward Flow’ In Music Logs

by Thomas Giger of www.radioiloveit.com Great music radio has great music flow. How to both sound amazing and increase TSL? That’s where super song segues come into play! A...

Tribute to Arnie

By Pat Bohn with Connie Thiessen Radio lost a champion on Jan. 28. Arnie Celsie, my friend and business partner of 25 years, a consultant and...

Importing into Burli NE

Importing into Burli NE If you’ve ever used Burli Newsroom or NE, you know that one of Burli’s core strengths is the ability to automatically...

Take What You Learned in 2016 into the New Year

By Matt Cundill We have a strange relationship with January. There are those who welcome it with a three day hangover, those who enter it...

Customer Profile – Bell Media

Customer Profile – Bell Media Burli has developed a strong customer base around the world, especially in our home country of Canada.  We are fortunate...

Callout Research Tips Part 1: Your Music Core Matters Most

By Stephen Ryan If you run a music station, your music fans are driving your ratings. Therefore, your callout research should be focused on your...

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